Sunday, January 24, 2010

And there it is… :)

…finally, I'm looking at the impressing and beautiful 27" screen of my brand new i7-iMac.

And what a monster that machine is: a screen that requires you to turn your head to see from side to side and a quad-core CPU that runs as if it had eight cores - just amazing.

Well, my old "tiny" 19" monitor sitting beside the new iMac appears kind of small now… ;)

Again I have to say: Apple rulez!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Saw VI

Just watched Saw VI with my brother - first impression: good continuation of the series and would be a good end - if it is the end… ;)

Overall, it's incredible how, again, the story is very much intertwined with the previous movies. If you liked Saw I through V, you'll like Saw VI.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy new year!

Well, guess what's the first thing I'm going to do this year! Right, after having experienced Avatar in a standard movie theater I'm going to enjoy it tonight on the very first day of 2010 in 3D in digitally enhanced quality (in some modern movie theater).

That's one good way to start the year, now isn't it? ;)