Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sims III: first impression(s) [Update 1]

Okay, I got this pirated Razor1911 copy of the Sims III.

[EDIT: As has come to my attention, the Razor1911 copy of the Sims III appears NOT to be the actual final version of the game, lacking major content and being very buggy. That said, please consider the following opinions to be premature - the final review/comparison will commence as soon as I hold my legitimate copy in my very own hands.]

Unfortunately, only the Windows version has been cracked so I couldn't test the Mac version, which apparently runs on an SDL-based Cider/Wine by the way.

[EDIT: The Mac version can be cracked, too: simply open the package contents of the installed game, look for TS3.exe and replace it with the cracked EXE; look for a terminal application called "cider" inside the package contents, double click on it and there you go.]

First, after the lengthy installation, I was amazed how fast the game is loaded (compared to its predecessor). Second, it runs quite well on my 2007 edition 24" iMac.

[EDIT: Loading times under Mac OS X are not so great - quite a difference between Windows and Mac OS X version there.]

Now, the pros and cons...

Cons first:
- boy those Sims are ugly - this is by far the main caveat - for me it was impossible to create a descent looking female Sim
- the voices are awful though the customization options are funny (choose from three kinds of yucky voices and adjust the pitch to your liking)
- though the animations are somewhat more detailed they are ugly, too (e.g. the Sims walk kind of unnaturally, it just looks awkward)
- also, there's much "reposistioning" involved: many times a Sim has to change his standing (just a bit) to start a new animation (e.g. conversations) - something far less obvious in Sims II
- also, they look strange when the just stand around
- it takes "minutes" for them to resolve path crossings (when Sims get in their way) - they resolve them mostly by just standing there looking silly - to the player it's not obvious that they will continue to walk and do their business afterwards - it's kinda creepy actually
- furniture - though more detailed - looks "blocky" and ugly
- overall one gets the impression the graphics engine requires many redraws of everything (I don't know how to describe that), everything is "flickering" a lot - well, at least more than I would want it to
- the interface effects are destracting and - for a Sims II enthusiast - a hindrance as they slow things like customizing furniture down - it's so console like
- also, the games runs itchy and "laggy" when zooming or moving the camera around without really giving a reason, while the camera is still it runs more or less smoothly

Now the pros:
- loading times are very much acceptable
- the new customization tool for furniture, clothes and wall/floor painting is exceptionally great (it reminds me terribly of Spore) - I love this; if we could have that for the Sims II...
- the new game play is somewhat intriguing and offers a new kind of immersion into the life of a Sim (or a family)
- the concept of openess to a city is nice (though my pirated copy has stability problems due to a damaged ISO when viewing the entire city - crashes to the desktop are quite common, unfortunately - I hope this issue is resolved when I get my paid-for copy next week)

Overall, I'm happy I won't actually pay 60 bucks for my game due to coupons 'cause at the first glance, I'm not so sure I'm *not* gonna stick with Sims II for the time being...

Bottom line: The Sims III, well, it needs adjustments (from EAxis).

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